Leverage the World’s Largest
Accounting Talent Pool

Hire Accountants in India
- Hire the best accounting talent in India
- Onboard in 7 days
- Preferred hiring partner of Big 4 & 220+ MNCs
in India
Hire Accountants in the US.
- Hire from a pool of 1200+ Accountants on W2
- No Visa sponsorship required
- Trusted by RSM & BDO alliance

Get Reliable,
Long-term Nursing Talent

Hire Nurses in India
- Solving your staffing needs quickly with our flexible,
specialized healthcare workforce - Fully trained & specialized, ensuring a smooth
integration to your hospital’s standards - Cost-effective staffing solutions without sacrificing
professional standards
Hire USRNs in the US.
- Ready-to-deploy talent trained in the US
healthcare system - Experienced international nurses with unrestricted
RN license - 3-year long-term contract with no compliance or
payroll hassles, flat bill rate

Hire Top Talent in
Branding & Advertising
Connect With Next-Gen Business Talent
Access a dedicated talent pool of Miles SOBA graduates and students, ready to propel innovation and growth in your organization.